Saturday, July 9, 2011

Church Camp! (MSMBC)

What a week!  We have been in Marion, Kentucky for our church camp!  It was awesome!  We were out in the middle of no where!  This is our second year to go, but this year Eric went with us for the first time.  We went down on Saturday and got into our cabins.  Eric slept in Grant's cabin and Madison slept in my cabin.  The luxury of our two cabins was that they were air conditioned.  I worked in the "Mess Hall" cafeteria and Eric helped out as a counselor for Grant's group and helped out wherever he was needed. 

This is a picture of the cabin Grant and Eric stayed in with their group.
On down the hill to the right was the pool  and up the hill on
the left was the cabin Madison and I stayed in with some other ladies.

When we got there on Saturday after I made the beds and got everyone settled.
We headed to the pool.  Since camp didn't official start until Sunday we did a
little swimming together since we couldn't the rest of the week. 
 Madison swimming to the ladder.

Madison getting ready to jump back in pool.
She loved the pool and so did Grant.

After we got there and got settled in and got in the pool for a little while then we went
to "town" it was about 8 or 9 miles down the road and we ate a local Italian Diner.
It was delicious.  We went with another family that had come down early to camp.
This was the kiddos facing the other camera getting ready to eat!
We had church at the camp on Sunday Morning and then
got ready for all the other campers to arrive on the buses.
Had to get my coffee and then I was ready!

Madison and her friend Josie riding in the Kubota around camp.

This is Madison at the local "Dairy Queen" eating her icecream bar.
We went there for lunch on Sunday since the camp didn't
start serving food until Sunday for supper.

This is the cafeteria workers. We had a lot of fun in the
cafeteria cooking for all the campers!  We had around
130 campers to cook three meals a day for.

Here is Grant and some others waiting in line for us to open up so they can eat!

Madison hanging out in the game room area of the
"mess hall" while I was serving food.
Madison hanging out with some friends...

Each day they had devotionals after breakfast and then had daily lessons and activities and had swimming after lunch and then later and art activities and ended the night with a devotional with everyone.  Grant and Madison really enjoyed camp.  Madison didn't get to do all the "big kids" stuff but her group was called the "Mini Campers" and they had their own activities and art and craft projects.  The mini campers can only come to camp if a parent comes along to stay at camp also.  They have their own activities but stay with their parent at night instead of in a cabin with other children.  They have to have completed the 2nd Grade before they can go to camp without a parent but with a counselor in the cabin and most have one or two.

On Thusday of the week was "Water Day" and also they brought in a Climbing Wall for the children to climb.  That day Eric and another guy grilled us burgers and hotdogs for lunch.
 Madison sliding down!

Madison going down the slip and slide during the "water time".

 Grant was getting ready to get to the top!

Grant climbing up the rock wall they rented for the children to climb.

Grant enjoying some water during the "canteen" time. 
They got to get snacks during the day at certain times.

 This was inside Grant's cabin on the other side with the "messy boys"

This is Grant sitting in Eric's bed and just chilling out during
FOYB time.  "Feet On Your Bed" time.  "Rest Time"

We all had a great time but are glad to be home in our own bed!

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