Friday, June 17, 2011


Today the weather outside was a little overcast so we decided to meet some friends at an indoor play area in Franklin.  We meet at a place called "Sodium" is the website. 

Sodium facilities are designed to be a coffee house for your family, allowing you to connect with family and friends of all ages in unique ways around art, math, science, and play. Sodium's Franklin Venue includes elaborate villages for Pre-K and young elementary, and for the older elementary there are gigantic tree forts, a rock-wall, ping ping tables, air hockey, Foosball, and lego dens.
The highlight of Sodium's family activities are the art and music studios where children and parents explore art and science projects together while enjoying mocha's, espressos, and cappuccinos as part of their gourmet coffee selections – encouraging the family to connect, refuel, and thrive!

 We had to take a group picture before we left.  

Here a picture of the fort inside for the children to play and climb in.

This is the inside Rock Wall!

This the play area for the smaller children.


We had a great time and decided to buy a month
membership for the family.  The children
loved it and it is a fun place for everyone 
to hang out and have a great time!

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